Archaeological field studies are one of the important research branches of geophysics. Geophysical studies, which started after the second half of the 1940s, are the most frequently used technique in the investigation of archaeological sites today. With the help of different geophysical techniques (magnetic, georadar, electrical resistivity tomography, seismic tomography, (Vp-Vs), natural stress, induced polarization tomography), the archaeological context is visualized in detail and interpretatively through studies examining archaeological sites. The archaeological context consisting of structures at different depths can be defined holistically, especially with three-dimensional imaging studies. By examining the archaeological context using integrated geophysical techniques, the context can be defined in the context of physical properties, and an important infrastructure is presented to archaeologists before excavation.
Archeoseismology studies aim to collect data on past earthquakes in archaeological sites and thus determine whether the archaeological settlement was exposed to an earthquake.
Archaeological surveys search for possible archaeological targets in study areas. The detected targets are determined with the help of salvage excavations and archaeological soundings.
- Archaeological Field Studies
- Necropolis-Cemetery Studies
- Gridding and Mapping Studies in Archeology
- Archaeological Interpretation and Three-Dimensional Imaging of Subsurface Settlement Texture
- Archeoseismology
- Surface Survey
- Salvage Excavation and Archaeological Drilling